Grounding & Centering in

Compassionate Communication


Bringing Body Wisdom into Our Practice of NVC, Part 1
With Lori Grace, M.A. and special guests
During this evening, we will integrate some of the wisdom of the body therapies into our practice of Compassionate Communication or NVC. You will have a chance to notice how grounding and centering in your body can greatly reduce judgmental thinking on your part and shift your perceptions of others. You will also notice how much more quickly you can perceive the underlying needs and desires of yourself and others if you are centered. Being centered will also increase your ability to empathize. Ways of centering will be taught that can be practiced discretely in challenging situations. Participants of all levels of familiarity with Compassionate Communication are welcome. It is important to note, though, that we will not be going over the basics as we usually do in our practice groups. It is advised that one order from us or a copy of the small workbook written by Marshall, A Model for Nonviolent Communication, only $9.00, and DO THE EXERCISES in it. If you are a total beginner, you will still get something worthwhile out of the class, but not as much. I really enjoy people getting maximum benefit.

Lori Grace MA (Psych.) trained extensively in the body therapies before getting involved in Nonviolent Communication. She trained in Reichian work, Bioenergetics, Hakomi therapy, Gestalt therapy and Aikido, a movement/self-defense practice. She has found integrating what she learned in the body therapies extremely useful in helping people to be more centered in life, to be more connected with their sexual energy, to experience less fear and to be more compassionate in their communications.

In this evening, we will look at sections of “The End of The Line” dealing with the state of our part of the Pacific Ocean and the SF Bay taking a deep look at the problems facing the ecology of the Bay today. 

David McGuire from Sea Stewards,
Michael Bailey from In Defense of Animals,
Ashley Blacow from Oceana,
Paul Hobi from Ocean Conservancy.