Life, Death, Near Death & Beyond with Shawna


Life, Death, Near Death and Beyond with Shawna Ristic
Friday, March 1, 2019 (7:30 to 9:30 pm)
Sunrise Center

Shawna was called to a life of helping others heal after her near-death experience following a catastrophic car accident at the age of 19 that pushed her near death and left her in a coma for many days.

During her coma she spent time with a group of light beings that she calls the Council. She will talk about her ongoing relationship with them, their contribution to her work in leading others to wholeness, and the subsequent transformative process that has informed the last two decades of her life. She shares intimate details of her journey to maintain her awakened understanding of the world as love, and love as vibration.

Following her formal presentation, Shawna answered questions and shared the Council’s message of unity and oneness.